Tuesday, November 30, 2010
BBB78 8300/8310/8320/8330m 4.5/4.6/6.0 (aka VERSION 3)
BBB78 8300/8310/8320/8330m 4.5/4.6/6.0 (aka VERSION 3)
Finally it has arrived, version 3 (after many trial versions)!
This build has the as a base with
Download from here:
BBB78 83x0 version 3.zip
To install:
- Backup your device data and 3rd party apps (including BBM contacts)
- Download and install the latest OS for your device (should be, and delete the vendor.xml file in the apploader folder.
- Download the hybrid zip folder from mediafire and copy all files and paste these into C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\Loader Files\83x0-v4.5.......\Java , and let it overwrite all files
- for best results wipe you device with BBSAK before loading
- Run Loader.exe (found in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader) or use BBSAK
- In the Loader make sure to check the apps you want to include
!!! IMPORTANT NOTE: this build will take about a day to settle in, I also suggest you do a number of battery pulls after the installation for the files the sync in well together !!!
This build has the as a base with
Download from here:
BBB78 83x0 version 3.zip
To install:
- Backup your device data and 3rd party apps (including BBM contacts)
- Download and install the latest OS for your device (should be, and delete the vendor.xml file in the apploader folder.
- Download the hybrid zip folder from mediafire and copy all files and paste these into C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\Loader Files\83x0-v4.5.......\Java , and let it overwrite all files
- for best results wipe you device with BBSAK before loading
- Run Loader.exe (found in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader) or use BBSAK
- In the Loader make sure to check the apps you want to include
!!! IMPORTANT NOTE: this build will take about a day to settle in, I also suggest you do a number of battery pulls after the installation for the files the sync in well together !!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
OS hybrid 9700
Options > About >
Help Screen >
Download link :
Password : indobbdotcom
Petunjuk Installasi :
1.Install Base OS ke PC
2.Delete vendor.xml di directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
3.Download bbboldy hybrid dan extract ke desktop PC
4.Copy semua isi folder hybrid ke dalam "Folder Java Base OS" di directory : C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\Loader Files\"Nama Folder Base OS anda"\Java <-- Copy ke dalam Java (Jika ditanya replace, yes to all aja replace)
5.Shrink OS anda (optional,boleh lakukan jika paham) baca petunjuk shrink a os disini
6.Backup semua data dan 3rd party app anda
7.Wipe device menggunakan BBSAK / JL_Cmdr atau software lainnya
8.Load OS melalui loader di directory : C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
9.Setelah selesai Restore kembali semua data dan 3rd party app anda.
Tips : Lakukan minimal 1x battery pull setelah restore data dan app anda. dan lakukan 1x battery pull lg setelah anda menyalakan koneksi BB anda dan tunggu sampai panah indicator kecil dipojok kanan atas berhenti menarik dan mengirim data.
Minor bug : Time tidak bisa diset automatic, sebaiknya disetting ke manual, tetapi bug ini sangat-sangat tidak menggangu dan tidak pengaruh ke performance daripada device.
Original Source : indobb.com
Help Screen >
Download link :
Password : indobbdotcom
Petunjuk Installasi :
1.Install Base OS ke PC
2.Delete vendor.xml di directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
3.Download bbboldy hybrid dan extract ke desktop PC
4.Copy semua isi folder hybrid ke dalam "Folder Java Base OS" di directory : C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\Loader Files\"Nama Folder Base OS anda"\Java <-- Copy ke dalam Java (Jika ditanya replace, yes to all aja replace)
5.Shrink OS anda (optional,boleh lakukan jika paham) baca petunjuk shrink a os disini
6.Backup semua data dan 3rd party app anda
7.Wipe device menggunakan BBSAK / JL_Cmdr atau software lainnya
8.Load OS melalui loader di directory : C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader
9.Setelah selesai Restore kembali semua data dan 3rd party app anda.
Tips : Lakukan minimal 1x battery pull setelah restore data dan app anda. dan lakukan 1x battery pull lg setelah anda menyalakan koneksi BB anda dan tunggu sampai panah indicator kecil dipojok kanan atas berhenti menarik dan mengirim data.
Minor bug : Time tidak bisa diset automatic, sebaiknya disetting ke manual, tetapi bug ini sangat-sangat tidak menggangu dan tidak pengaruh ke performance daripada device.
Original Source : indobb.com
Monday, November 15, 2010
Mini Wi-Fi ZTE MF 30
Mini Wi-Fi ZTE MF 30.
Modem sekaligus Router yang ukurannya lebih kecil dari Ponsel umum dengan berat 80 gram membuatnya tampak sederhana dan mudah dijinjing.
Berperan sebagai Sentral Hot Spot selain Modem.
Kecepatan ZTE MF 30 mencapai 7,2 Mbps menggunakan teknologi High Speed Downlink Package Access (HSDPA). Ini yang menjadi nilai jualnya di pasar
Menariknya,modem anyarnya bisa dipakai selama 100 jam non stop,Kalau baterainya habis, tinggal melakukan charge ulang dan dalam dua jam baterai sudah penuh kembali
ZTE MF 30 dirancang untuk digunakan maksimal hingga lima orang secara bersamaan, dalam radius 50 meter. Kompatibilitasnya cukup luas, selama perangkat tersebut memiliki akses Wi-Fi, mulai dari laptop, iPad, iPhone, Android, PSP, Blackberry, dan lainnya.
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