Thursday, May 26, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
BlackBerry Bridge
Pair your BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet with a BlackBerry® smartphone to get even more features.
BlackBerry® Bridge is an app you can download to your smartphone to get access to your :
- calendar
- contacts
- memo pad and tasks—all on the large tablet display.
You can even browse the web using your BlackBerry smartphone’s existing data plan.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
BlackBerry PlayBook Android App Player Demo (VIDEO)
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BlackBerry PlayBook Native Email App Demo ( VIDEO )
In one of the most anticipated demos of BlackBerry World™ 2011, keynote attendees got a sneak peek of the upcoming Native email and PIM (Personal Information Management) for the BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet. These PIM applications (including Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, MemoPad and, of course, Email) will come to BlackBerry PlayBook tablets via an update to the BlackBerry Tablet OS later this summer.
Yesterday, at BlackBerry World 2011, I had the chance to catch up with Andrew Bocking, VP Handheld Software Product Management, after the General Session for a Q&A. And Andrew was kind enough to give us a video demo of the Email and Contacts applications to share here. Be sure to take a look and post a comment and let us know what you think!
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Samsung Galaxy S II Confirmed To Have Gorilla Glass
Samsung Galaxy S II is confirmed getting the Gorilla Glass. As most of us know, the Gorilla Glass is very bendable and hard to scratch. So the device’s screen extremely durable to every day abuse.
The Galaxy S also has Gorilla Glass so it’s only normal to see the same thing was applied to second generation of the device. The Galaxy S II features a dual-core 1.2 Ghz. processor and 1Gb RAM. Check out the Gorilla Screen test and the device commercial on its dual-core.
[via AndroidCommunity]
Apple iPhone 5 Ditunda Hingga September
Apple tidak akan mulai menjual iPhone versi berikutnya hingga bulan September, demikian menurut sumber yang mengatakan kepada Reuters.
Apple tidak akan mulai menjual iPhone versi berikutnya (iPhone 5) hingga bulan September, demikian menurut sumber yang mengatakan kepada Reuters.
"Saya pikir itu mungkin," kata Ezra Gottheil, analis Technology Business Research. "Apple memiliki permintaan pasar yang besar dan mereka berusaha untuk memenuhi permintaan tersebut, hal ini setidaknya terpengaruh oleh bencana alam di Jepang."
Hari Selasa lalu Reuters mengatakan bahwa produksi iPhone generasi berikutnya akan dimulai pada bulan Juni atau Juli mendatang, dan pengirimannya dimulai pada bulan September.
Jika sesuai dengan jadwal tersebut, maka ini kali pertamanya Apple meluncurkan iPhone di luar bulan Juni-Juli. Merunut hal tersebut, bisa disimpulkan, kemungkinan Apple akan merilis iPhone 5 pada awal Juni di acara Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC).
"Untuk tidak membuat orang tergila-gila pada saat peluncurannya nanti, Apple mungkin merasa perlu untuk memiliki persediaan stok perangkat itu lebih banyak lagi," kata Gottheil.
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White iPhone 4 Thicker Than The Black iPhone 4
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The white iPhone 4 officially went on sale today and we had a lovely hands-on time with it this morning. We even went as far as snapping a shot of it next to a Samsung Galaxy S II. The new color on the iPhone 4 certainly makes it look bright and fresh, but more and more folks are noticing that the white color also makes the iPhone look fat.
Apple struggled with the white iPhone 4 production, explaining that the delay was due to the affect of the color on the internal components. The white color filtered light differently from the black, requiring them to devise a way to protect the internal parts from sunlight. Could their solution to the problem be what’s causing the white iPhone 4 to look just a tad thicker than the black one?
The white iPhone 4 appears to be almost 1mm thicker than the black iPhone 4. That doesn’t seem like a huge deal, except when it comes to fitting into certain cases and accessories.
“Just picked up the white iPhone 4 and realized it doesn’t fit into my Incase slider case. It appears that Apple has increased the size of the plastic that borders the glass on both sides by about 1mm,” said one customer. Ryan Cash of Marketcircle felt the same way when he compared his colleague’s new 16GB iPhone 4 in white with his 32GB black version, and offered up several close up comparison photos.
However, Apple has not mentioned anything about the change in thickness and has listed both versions with the exact same specs. Have you picked up a white iPhone 4 and noticed this difference? If so, have you had trouble fitting it into a standard iPhone 4 case?
FreeSync 2.1 Cracked
FreeSync merupakan aplikasi yang memungkinkan anda untuk menggunakan iPhone saat proses sinkronisasi dengan iTunes sedang berjalan. Anda dapat melakukan panggilan, bermain game atau membaca dan mengirim SMS tanpa harus menunggu proses sync selesai. Anda juga tidak perlu khawatir jika ada panggilan masuk yang akan mengganggu proses sync.
Anda bisa memilih tampilan yang berbeda pada saat notifikasi sinkronisasi muncul di layar iPhone. Pilihan yang tersedia antara lain:
- Status Bar Icon: Menampilkan icon di status bar selama sinkronisasi. Anda dapat memilih icon yang berbeda.
- Pulsing Bar : Menampilkan bar berwarna merah di bagian atas layar. Anda bisa menyembunyikannya dengan double tap.
- Alerts: Menampilkan popup pada saat sinkronisasi.
- Play Sound – Vibrate.
- Anda juga dapat menon-aktifkan applikasi yang bisa mengganggu proses sync, seperti AppStore, Cydia dan iPod.
FreeSync berjalan pada iDevice dengan firmware 3.1 ke atas. FreeSync juga dapat digunakan pada sinkronisasi yang memanfaatkan Wi-Fi.
Download FreeSync 2.1 Apps Cracked .Deb File
Download di sini (129.69 KB).