Tuesday, December 28, 2010

phone code unlock

*#06# Display imei dan Software Version
000000 Entering in engineering Menu 1 9with sim)
###847# Reset to Factory Defaukts (with sim)
###765*02# Add Barring Groups
###765*05# Locking to Network
###765*07# Unlocking from Network
###765*78# Deactive Barring Group

*#06# Display imei
*#0000# Language automatically (reset to englih)
*#3370# Enchane Full Rate
#3370# Reset the phone
*#9000# Enter Sim Lock
*#9001# Enter the corporate code (bosch 908)
*#9002# Enter the provider Code (bosch 908)
*#9003# Enter network code
*#9004 Enter the subset code
*#9100# Remove the sim lock permanenly
*#9101# Remove the corporate lock permanenly
*#9102#Remove the provider lock permanently
*#9103# Remove the network lock permanently
*#9104# Remove the subject lock permanently
*#3262255*8378 Hidden 10th menu

*#06# Display imei
<**<>*<<*<* Service menu

*#06# IMEI (ALL)
*#07# IMEI and SW (LG 510)
*8375# Software version (LG B1200)
*6861# Recount checksum (LG B1200)
#PWR 668 Factory Test
1945#*5101# Simlock menu (LG B1200)
2945#*5101# Simlock menu (LG 510W, 5200)
2945#*70001# Simlock menu (LG 7020, 7010)
2947#* Simlock menu (LG 500, 600)

*#06# Display imei
*#300# OK List the software and hardware version
*#301# OK Full keypads functional test
*#303# OK Set default language to english
*#304# OK Set OFF engineering mode
*#304*19980722# Set ON engineering mode
*#307# OK Engineering test mode
*#311# OK Phone code changed to default code
*#402# OK Adjust display intensity/ contrast
*#403# OK List the manufacturing informations
19980722 OK Master unlock code for phone and simlock
*#302# OK Accoustict test
*#3370# Enhanced full rate
*#0000# OK Settings saved, restore set phone to default language

*#06# Display imei
*#0000# Shows software version
*#746025625# Shows if your phone supports sim lock stopping
*#92702689# Displays various info, repair date, purchase date, etc
*3370# Activates enhanced full rate
#3370# Deactivates enhanced full rate
*4370# Actives enhanced half rate
#4370# Deactivates enhanced half rate
*#2820# Bluetooth information
*#7220# Enables GPRS pccch
*#67705646# Clears operator logo on some versions of 3310 and 3330
*#7370# Software reset (beware your data will be lost)

*#06# Display imei
*#9999# (press within first 10 sec after poer on) Displays software version

*#06# Display imei
*#2254*# Status register: C, BS, RR, MMI, Creat
*#2255*# Activate and deactivate the debug call
*#2558*# The time in days, hours and monutes you are connected to the net
*#3377*# Init, flags, sim lock
*#7378*# Name, length, sim phase
*#7489*# Security code
*#7693*# You can activate and deactivate the sleep mode

*#06# Displays imei
*2767*5282# Java reset and (deletes all java midlets)
*2767*63342# Reset media (deletes all sounds and pics)
*2767*927# Wap reset
*#9998*4357# Help menu
*#9998*5282# Java menu
*#9999#0# Monitor mode
*#9999# Software version
*#8888# Hardware version
*#9998*746# Sim info
*#9998*523# Display contrast
*#9998*842# Vibration on (until you push ok)
*#999*289# Buzzer on (until you push ok)
*#9998*288# Battery and field info
*#9998*377# Error log
*#9998*778# Sim service table
*#9998*782# Show date and alaram clock
*#8999*638# Show network information
*#9998*5646# Change operator logo at startup
*#9998*76# Production number
*#9998*968# View melody for alarm
*#9998*585# Non volatile memory
*#3243948# Digital audio interference off
*#32436837# Digital audio interference
*#9999# Show software version
*#0837# Show software version (instruction)
*#0001# Show serial parameters
*#9125# Activates the smiley when charging
*#9998*228# Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
*#9998*246# Program status
*#9998*324# Debug screens
*#9998*364# Watchdog
*#9998*427# Trace watchdog
*#9998*544# Jig detect
*#9998*636# Memory status
*#9998*837# Software version
*#9998*862 Vocoder reg-normal, earphone or carkit can be selected
*#998*872# Diag
*#9998*947# Reset on fatal error
*#9998*999# Last/ check
*#9998*9999# Software version
*2767*2878# Custom EEPROM reset

*#06# Display imei
*#06# then press left long button Display software info
SP unlock *#0003* (secret code 8 digits)#
*#0000# then the green button Reset language to automatic selection.

Percepat dan Stabilkan Koneksi Internet Dengan VPN

from : http://cap3jari.wordpress.com/2010/05/30/internet-gratis-dengan-vpn-virtual-private-network/

Virtual Private Network (VPN)
VPN (Virtual Private Network) atau biasa disebut tunneling oleh orang2 jaringan adalah jaringan komputer yang diimplementasikan dalam sebuah lapisan software tambahan (overlay) di atas jaringan yang lebih besar yang sudah ada dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan ruang lingkup komputer pribadi atau menyediakan komunikasi yang aman perluasan jaringan pribadi ke jaringan yang tidak aman seperti Internet.

Fungsi utama VPN adalah ; melakukan interkoneksi jaringan dengan jalur tersendiri namun melalui jaringan wide, namun juga mengisolir hubungan luar dengan berbagai encrypsi tentunya, sehingga jaringan yang terbentuk seolah-olah terlihat sebagai local network saja. biasaya digunakan oleh user2 yang menginginkan privasi khusus dalam jaringannya. Karena VPN merupakan solusi cerdas dan murah dibandingkan harus mempunyai jalur sendiri seperti VSAT / FO.

Seiring perkembangan VPN dimanfaatkan oleh beberapa provider untuk digunakan sebagai koneksi yang aman untuk berselancar didunia maya. Hal tersebut dikarenakan provider internet yang biasa kita gunakan memberikan aksesnya dengan system NAT masquarede, yaitu meneruskan koneksi lokal ke internet. Kelemahannya adalah kita berada dalam suatu jaringan yang tidak safe walaupun koneksi antara user dengan provider internet menggunakan tunneling juga namun dalam satu subnet. walaupun terkadang terlihat pada virtual subnet hanya kita sendiri yang ada.

Kelebihan penggunaan VPN sendiri memiliki banyak pilihan encrypsi, jadi walaupun interkoneksi kita melalui VPN merupakan share akses bisa dikatakan sedikit aman dibandingkan melakukan direct akses dari provider internet yang kita pakai.

Legalitas VPN

Apakah VPN legal? Bukan hanya legal namun sangat dianjurkan, yang tidak legal jika server yang digunakan buat VPN adalah server hasil colongan. Tetapi banyak diinformasikan bahwa VPN ilegal, mengapa? saya rasa yang bilang ilegal itu orang2 dari provider internet yang memproklamasikan VPN sebagai hal yang ilegal. jangan termakan isu!! Karena alasan cost jadi pake system apa adanya, sehingga limiter terbaypas oleh VPN ini.

Kecepatan Akses

VPN bisa menaikkan kecepatan akses atau melepaskan Quote limit? Ya, pada provider tertentu yang tidak menggunakan firewall terpisah.

Memanfaatkan VPN (Virtual Private Network) yang memberikan keuntungan sbb :
  • Anonymous surfing (Anda menjelalah internet tanpa terlacak)
  • Keamanan informasi yang Anda terima atau kirim melalui internet dengan enkripsi standar VPN 128 bit / 1024 bit
  • Dapat mengakses apapun situs yang memblok IP dari Indonesia
  • Melindungi komputer Anda dari serangan virus, malware, worm, trojan, dsb, karena saat Anda online IP yang digunakan ada IP server VPN bukan IP Anda
  • Menjaga keamanan User dan Password Anda dari sniffers
  • Menaikkan kembali kecepatan bagi pelanggan ISP atau Provider tertentu dengan batasan Quota, jika telah melebihi Quota yang ditentukan
  • Bypass semua blok yang dilakukan ISP Anda, seperti download torrent dan leecher
  • Mempercepat koneksi yang terhubung dengan hotspot (dengan bandwith limiter)

Untuk Anda yang ingin merasakan kenyamanan berselancar di dunia maya, saya tawarkan koneksi VPN yang murah dengan unlimited quota serta unlimited bandwith menggunakan server USA saya juga menjual akun VPN di sini.

Beberapa syarat mutlak yang diperlukan untuk dapat menggunakan layanan VPN ini antara lain :

  1. Modem GSM atau Hp 3G
  2. Kartu GSM yang sudah aktif GPRSnya (mau tau GSM apa..? nanti saya kasih tau bagi para pemesan)
  3. Bagi pengguna yang sudah terkoneksi dengan jaringan kabel tidak perlu lagi menyiapkan 2 hal diatas

Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan :

  1. Untuk dapat menggunakan VPN anda harus memiliki koneksi internet sebelumnya.
  2. Daerah yang tercoverage signal gsm,cdma,kabel, dll dapat menggunakan layanan ini.
  3. Kami tidak memungkiri bahwasannya ada VPN yang gratis,Karena ada perbedaan antara account yang gratis dan berbayar, diantaranya adanya limit user, dimana yang gratis tidak memperhatikannya, sementara yang berbayar biasanya dibatasi hanya 30 user saja, untuk menghindari terjadinya crash diserver. Biasanya yang gratis tidak bertahan lama, kami telah mencobanya.
  4. Server yang berbayar bisa drop/down disebabkan karena aktifitas usernya yang abnormal, seperti: spamming, melakukan double loggin, dan download file dengan ukuran super, yang menyebabkan macetnya traffict.

cara unlock blackberry

from : http://cap3jari.wordpress.com/2010/07/19/cara-unlock-blackberry/

Blackberry merupakan handheld yang pemasarannya tidak seperti smartphone yang lain, dimana para distributor mendapatkan barang (legal) dari provider yang bekerjasama dengan RIM dan telah mempunyai hak untuk memasarkan handheld tersebut.

Kelebihan handheld yang dikeluarkan dari provider tentunya faktor rasa aman terhadap PIN dari handheld yang kata orang “lancar jaya” alias tidak akan terkena suspend. Kekurangan yang dirasakan oleh pengguna terutama kendala lock terhadap handheld yang harus menggunakan kartu yang dikeluarkan oleh provider yang bersangkutan. Disamping ketidak luwesan kartu yang digunakan, sudah tentu Anda harus menguras saldo rekening cukup dalam. Tetapi menurut saya sepadan dengan kenyamanan yang Anda dapatkan saat menggunakan layanan. Kalau kata orang Jawa : Ono Rego Ono Rupo (Baca : Ada Harga Ada Barang).

Mengesampingkan faktor keamanan PIN dan Imei yang merupakan kesatuan dalam handheld Blackberry, dengan permintaan pasar yang cukup antusias di negara Indonesia Raya ini memancing munculnya handheld Blackberry yang dijual dengan harga cukup miring. Hehehe….asal yang jual ga ‘miring’ juga rasanya cukup wajar-wajar saja dengan kepintaran dan kepiawaian anak bangsa dalam ‘meng-akali’ tekhnologi yang belakangan terlihat mulai di-monopoli oleh perusahaan raksasa yang tentunya tidak berada di Indonesia.

Handheld dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah dari handheld yang dikeluarkan oleh provider resmi ini mempunyai kelebihan bisa di-isi dengan kartu apa saja (unlock), dan tentunya bisa didaftarkan untuk berlangganan BIS ataupun BES guna menikmati layanan Blackberry. Tetapi biasanya (dari kasus yang terjadi) Anda hanya bisa menikmati layanan Blackberry-ria dalam kurun waktu 3-4 bulan, yang kemudian dengan tiba-tiba (sekonyong-konyong) “GPRS”/”EDGE” akan berubah menjadi “gprs”/”edge” yang artinya Anda telah keluar dari layanan Blackberry. Hal ini dikarenakan kombinasi PIN dan Imei dari Handheld yang Anda gunakan tidak terdaftar resmi dari pihak RIM yang mengeluarkan handheld Blackberry dan dilakukan blokir terhadap handheld yang Anda gunakan.

Umumnya handheld yang sudah dilakukan unlock ini dijual dengan istilah Refurbish atau Rekondisi atau (apalah…..) yang jelas lebih murah dan mudah didapatkan.

Tentunya akan muncul pertanyaan “Bagaimana cara orang melakukan unlock dan merubah PIN serta Imei yang terdapat pada handheld Blackberry?”, SANGAT MUDAH!! lho….kok??!! (bukan sok pintar).

Orang bisa melakukan proses unlocking dan bahkan mengganti PIN serta Imei (kloning) yang terdapat dalam handheld Blackberry dengan menggunakan software untuk unlock (MFI Multiloader), kemudian software untuk mengganti PIN dan Imei (Radio Lab Tool) serta untuk mengkloning PIN dan Imei (PIN & Imei Generator).

Trus bagaiman prosesnya?

Tidak begitu sulit untuk orang yang sudah terbiasa melakukan service handphone terutama yang berkenaan masalah software. Cukup instal software yang diperlukan kemudian jalankan, ikuti petunjuk, tunggu proses berlangsung……..mmoooooolllaaaaaaaa……Blackberry yang ter-lock oleh operator tertentu sekarang bisa Anda isi dengan kartu dari operator lain. Atau Blackberry yang tadinya ter-suspend sudah bisa Anda daftarkan lagi untuk menikmati layanan BIS dengan PIN dan Imei “Baru”. Bagaimana…..tertarik? Hmmmm……. :D

Sedikit akan saya beri langkah-langkah untuk unlock Blackberry;

  1. Download File Software yang diperlukan
  2. Install masing-masing software tersebut ke komputer Anda
  3. setelah semua ter-install, buka MFI Multi Loader
  4. Sambungkan handheld Blackberry yang mau di-unlock dengan menggunakan kabel USB
  5. Tunggu sampai MFI Multi Loader mendeteksi handheld tersebut
  6. Proses akan berjalan sampai selesai dengan tanda keluar tulisan PASS pada MFI Multi Loader
  7. Pada layar handheld blackberry akan muncul angka “1″ dan lampu indikator akan berkedip dengan warna hijau
  8. Cabut baterai Blackberry dan pasang kembali
  9. Tunggu sampai proses loading selesai dan Blackberry akan dalam kondisi ”Call Mode”
  10. Tekan tombol “S T A R T” pada handheld Blackberry yang akan muncul tulisan “No application Linked”
  11. Selamat……..Blackberry Anda sudah ter-unlock
  12. Lakukan inject OS Blackberry Anda dan lanjutkan dengan proses ganti PIN dan Imei (PIN lama Handheld Blackberry yang sudah dilakukan unlock biasanya otomatis ter-suspend) dengan menggunakan software Radio Lab Tool

Jika Anda berani bereksperimen dengan Handheld yang Anda punya (bagi yang memegang Handheld Blackberry Suspend) silahkan Anda download File-nya dan unlock Blackberry Anda sendiri, jika tidak mau resiko silahkan Anda cari Jasa Unlock Blackberry yang cukup banyak dengan harga berkisar 100 ribu rupiah sampai dengan 400 ribu rupiah.

Dari informasi yang telah saya bagi ini,semua akan kembali kepada Anda apakah akan membeli handheld Blackberry secara resmi melalui operator ataukah Anda akan membeli handheld Blackberry yang sudah di-unlock tentunya dengan resiko akan terkena suspend di belakang hari. Untuk itu ada baiknya juga Anda baca artikel mengenai Tips dan Trik Memilih dan Membeli Blackberry.

Unlock Blackberry 8xxx/9xxx

from : http://forum.djawir.com/blackberry-130/unlock-blackberry-8xxx-9xxx-free-36865/

1. download & instle blackberry desktop manager v4.7.0.32 , link here

2. download & instle blackberry Operating System from here
also dont forget to Delete the vendor.xml file located in c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader

3. download & instle MFI Multiloader , link

Unlock Blackberry

from : http://www.devari.org/2010/05/31/cara-mudah-unlock-blackberry/

Cara Mudah Unlock Blackberry

Monday, May 31st, 2010

Jika Blackberry Anda masih unlock itu artinya device tersebut hanya bisa dipakai dengan SIM card dari provider tertentu. Tidak bisa dipakai dengan SIM card dari provider lain. Jika suka belanja di eBay maka bisa dipastikan sebagian besar blackberry yang dijual masih locked alias blackberry bekas dari perusahaan. Satu-satunya cara adalah dengan cara meng-unlock blackberry tersebut. Untuk dapat melakukan ini diperlukan sebuah code unlock yang bisa dibeli secara online. Biasanya metode pembayarannya adalah dengan paypal atau kartu kredit.

Saat anda sudah membeli kode unlock maka langkah-langkah berikut bisa dijadikan acuan untuk meng-unlock blackberry Anda (langkah2 ini saya pakai saat meng-unlock Curve 8520). SIM card tidak diperlukan saat Anda melakukan unlock. Step2 ini akan bervariasi tapi pada umumnya agak2 mirip antara tipe blackberry yang satu dengan yang lainnya.

a. Klik Setting
b. Klik Option
c. Klik Advanced Option
d. Lalu klik SIM Card
e. Saat sudah berada pada opsi SIM card, tekan dan tahan tombol Alt lalu ketik MEP2.
f. Lalu akan ada perintah untuk masukkan unlock code yang sudah dibeli itu.
g. Buka battery, masukkan SIM card Anda dan reboot blackberrynya.

Simple as that. Adakalanya code unlock yang kita beli tidak match. Jika kasusnya demikian maka Anda bisa email/contact tempat Anda membeli code tersebut. Untuk some cases, satu device bisa mempunyai 5 possible code. Selamat mencoba!

cara cek keaslian modem sierra

upgrade Speed Sierra 881U atau 885U dari 3.6 ke 7.2 mbps (from pusat modem.com)

Tutorial untuk mengupgrade Speed Sierra 881U atau 885U dari 3.6 ke 7.2 mbps:

  1. Langkah pertama yang kita lakukan: Kita buka Device Manager yang terletak di Control Panel Windows (Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Device Manager). Kemudian kita cari di COM berapa Sierra AT Command terletak pada device manager port. Di contoh komputer kami, Sierra AT Command terletak pada com 10
  2. Klik start >> all programs >> accessories >> communication>>hyperterminal, lalu isi nama koneksi sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan
  3. Drag menuju ke com kita, lihat pada gambar Kita menggunakan COM10.
  4. Ketik "ATI0" untuk mengetahui manufacture dan firmware yang digunakan, jika berhasil maka akan muncul seperti pada gambar di bawah ini
  5. Ketik "AT!HSDCAT=8" (untuk mengeset nilai download menjadi 7.2mb/s, defaultnya =6=3.6mb/s) lalu tekan enter.
    kemudian ketik lagi "AT!HSUCAT=5" (untuk mengeser nilai upload menjadi 2mb/s , defaultnya =3=1.4mb/s)lalu tekan enter
  6. Lepas sierra anda, lalu konekkkan kembali. sekarang, coba anda konekan 3G watcher anda. jika berhasil maka speed anda akan berubah menjadi 7.2Mbps


PUSAT MODEM tidak menanggung kerusakan yang diakibatkan oleh pengupgrade-an sendiri secara tidak benar.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Price List iPhone 4 by Telkomsel

Tersedia beragam paket yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda

Paket cicilan dg Uang Muka

Paket iPhone 4

kartuHALO* Turbo



Paket Bundling simPATI Turbo

Turbo Plus

Turbo Premium

Biaya Bulanan**

Rp 270.000

Rp 370.000

Rp 555.000


Gratis Bicara (Menit)**





Gratis SMS/MMS**

0 / 20

150 / 20

300 / 20

0 / 20

Gratis Data (MB)**





iPhone 4 16GB***

Rp 2.765.000

Rp 2.300.000

Rp 1.375.000

Rp 6.999.000

iPhone 4 32GB***

Rp 3.800.000

Rp 3.350.000

Rp 2.415.000

Rp 8.199.000

iPhone 4 HALO Corporate


Package Type



Turbo Premium

12 Months

16GB (Tanpa Uang Muka)

Rp 531,000

Rp 596,000

Rp 710,000

24 Months

Rp 310,000

Rp 390,000

Rp 510,000

12 Months

32GB (Tanpa Uang Muka)

Rp 622,000

Rp 688,000

Rp 801,000

24 Months

Rp 360,000

Rp 440,000

Rp 560,000

Service Plan



Turbo Premium










500 MB

500 MB

1 GB





Length of Contract

12/24 months

12/24 months

12/24 months

*) ARPU Rp.500.000 dan berlangganan minimal 1 th / kategori pelanggan Priority

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

specification of Blackberry Bold Series (wifi GPS Camera Video Carriers-Networks)

How to fix instalation os BB Onyx 9700 T - mobile


Q: How to fix instalation os 9700 T-mobile?
A: Delete The Tmobile themes before or after installing or they will have a black/white screen with tiny icon. Remove the .cod befor install or remove after with BBSAK net_rim_theme_tmobile_Blackberry6_480x360_b.codnet_rim_theme_tmobileeu_Blackberry6_480x360_b.cod
dont forget to restart device. thanks

Blackberry Style 9670

Size & weight

Height3.78 in / 96 mm6.91 in / 175.5 mm
Width2.36 in / 60 mm2.36 in / 60 mm
Depth0.73 in / 18.5 mm0.73 in / 18.5 mm
Weight4.62 oz / 131 g4.62 oz / 131 g

Available colors
  • Black
  • Purple
  • High-resolution internal display: 360x400 pixel
  • High-resolution external display: 240x320 pixel
  • Transmissive TFT LCD
  • Supports over 65,000 colors
  • User-selectable font size
Battery & battery life
    • 1150 mAHr removable/rechargeable lithium-ion battery
    • Talk time: Up to 4.5 hours
    • Standby time: Up to 10.5 days
    • Music playback: Up to 14 hours
    • 512 MB onboard memory
    • 8 GB media card included
    • Expandable memory with support for microSD card up to 32 GB
Ringtones & notifications
  • AMR, AAC, WAV, MP3, MID, WMA, MP4, M4A, QCP ringtones
  • Vibrate mode
  • On-screen
  • LED indicator
  • User configurable
Typing & navigation
  • Trackpad
  • Full QWERTY
  • ESC key to right of trackpad
  • Menu key to left of trackpad
  • Keyboard backlighting
Camera & video recording
  • 5 MP camera
  • Continuous auto-focus
  • Image stabilization
  • Flash
  • 11 picture-taking modes
  • VGA (640x480) video recording

Media player

  • Video formats: H.263, MPEG4 Simple Profile 3, H.264, WMV
  • Audio formats: MP3, AAC-LC, AAC+, eAAC+, WMA, AMR-NB, QCELP EVRC
Audio & voice

  • 3.5 mm stereo headset jack
  • Built-in speakerphone
  • M4/T4 (open position) rating for hearing aids
  • Bluetooth® v2.1 +EDR
  • Mono/stereo headset
  • Handsfree
  • Phone book access profile (PBAP)
  • Serial port profile
  • Stereo audio (A2DP/AVCRP)
  • Dial-up networking (DUN)

  • 802.11 b/g/n
  • WPA / WPA2 Personal and Enterprise
  • Cisco CCX certified
  • Wi-Fi® access to BlackBerry® Enterprise Server
  • Wi-Fi access to BlackBerry® Internet Bundle
Carrier networks

  • Dual-band: 800/1900 MHz CDMA/EVDO Rev A networks
  • RIM® wireless modem
  • Tethered modem capability
  • Password protection and keyboard lock
  • Sleep mode
  • AES or Triple DES encryption with BlackBerry Enterprise Server
  • Optional support for S/MIME
  • FIPS validation

BlackBerry 9780

Review of the newest BlackBerry Bold, the 9780

CrackBerry.com's Review of the newest BlackBerry Bold, the 9780, which puts the latest BlackBerry 6 software onto improved Bold 9700 hardware

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Review

Following up on our Unboxing and First Impressions, I have been using the BlackBerry Bold 9780 as my main smartphone for the past few weeks. And you know what that means... I now have a lot to say on the newest Bold from Research In Motion. Most of it is positive, afterall, the Bold 9700 was already an awesome device so one would only expect its successor to be even awesomer. But it's not all positive. Suprising to me, I actually found myself having some mixed feelings towards the BlackBerry 6 experience on the touchscreen-less Bold 9780. There have even been a few times when I wished I could downgrade the 9780 to run on OS 5.0 again (I know it sounds crazy, but I'm just being honest - you'll have to read the full review to find out why).

The existence of the BlackBerry Bold 9780 has also created a couple of burning questions for existing and new BlackBerry users out there. I've been getting literally the same two questions via twitter (@crackberrykevin) daily since the device was announced. Is it worth upgrading my BlackBerry Bold 9700 to the Bold 9780? Should I get the Torch or the Bold 9780?

It's December and the holidays are almost here, so grab yourself an eggnog, kick back and keep reading and I'll answer these questions and unload all the nitty gritty details on the BlackBerry Bold 9780.

Introduction - the *new-ish-ist* Bold

BlackBerry Bold Family

The BlackBerry Bold 9780 is the third Bold on the GSM side of the Bold family tree, following up the original Bold 9000 and newer Bold 9700. On the CDMA side (Verizon/Sprint), you have the BlackBerry Bold 9650, which was preceeded by the BlackBerry Tour 9630 which essentially was/is a Bold under a different name.

When you look at the plethora of BlackBerry device families (Bold, Curve, Torch, Storm, Pearl, etc.) and device models available, the analogy I like to use to keep things straight is to compare it to a car company. Specifically, I like to think of BlackBerry as the BMW of the smartphone world. Within the BMW family, you have your different BMW lines of cars (1 Series, 3 Series, 5 Series, etc.) with different body styles, engines, and detail packages available at a variety of price points. Regardless of which BMW you buy that best suits your needs, every model offers that Ultimate Driving Experience that BMW is known for. BMW tends to make minor changes from year to year on their vehicles, but every now and then will introduce a more major body style change. Everybody can tell a newer BMW from an old one based on major body style changes, but it takes more of an enthusiast's eye to pick out the year to year differences. You know what I'm getting at here...

When it comes to the BlackBerry Bold 9780, the best way to think of it is as the new model year of the 9700, in a year when not a lot has changed. From the 2008 to 2009 model year, big changes were made as the Bold 9000's bigger, blingier design was downsized into the more conservative Bold 9700 form factor. You don't need to be a BlackBerry enthusiast to see the changes between those to models. Going from 2009 to the 2010 model year, the changes from the 9700 to 9780 are much less apparent on the hardware side. Compared to the 9700, the 9780 gets a few internal hardware improvements and a slightly different paint job (on the dark version). Of course, the Bold 9780 does ship with BlackBerry 6 out of the box, while the Bold 9700 still ships with OS 5.0, but with BlackBerry 6 already unofficially available for the Bold 9700 and officially coming soon, this difference becomes moot point. When you take into account Bold 9700 owners can run BlackBerry 6 on their device and that the hardware differences between the 9700 and 9780 are pretty minor, it's no wonder so many Bold 9700 owners, even diehard BlackBerry owners, are wondering if it's worth upgrading to early or holding out for whatever new Bold will follow the 9780.

On the CDMA side of the Bold family tree, the decision to upgrade from the Tour 9630 to the Bold 9650 was much easier. With the Tour lacking WiFi altogether, rocking the old trackball vs. the slick new optical trackpad for navigation and not being upgradable to BlackBerry 6, you immediately have three strong reasons to want to jump up to the Bold 9650.

For GSM users though, the Bold 9700 already has the optical trackpad, WiFi (b/g), and supports BlackBerry 6. So while the Bold 9780 does offer some improvements, mainly more memory and a better camera, to many the 9700's lack of a lacking features makes the improvements in the 9780 seem pretty minimal for a device that is a year newer. It's almost as if the 9780's existence confuses the current BlackBerry landscape - it would have been nicer if RIM skipped the 9780 and went straight to the next generation of GSM Bold, one that adds a touchscreen and a bit more screen real estate into the mix. But I guess we'll have to wait for the 2011 model to come out to get that ;)

That all said, the BlackBerry Bold 9780 is here, it's the latest and greatest smartphone from RIM in the tradtiional BlackBerry form factor, so let's get to the details.

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Video Unboxing and First Impressions

Official Features and Specifications

BlackBerry Bold 9780

The BlackBerry Bold 9700 packs into it the following features and technical specifications....

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Key Features and Tech Specs

Size (LxWxD) 4.29" x 2.36" x 0.56" / 109mm x 60mm x 14mm
Weight 122 g / 4.3 oz (includes battery)
Operating System BlackBerry 6
CPU Speed 624 MHz
- 512 MB internal flash memory
Expandable Memory
- 2GB microSD card included
- Exapandable memory with support for microSD cards
- 1500 mAhr removable/rechargeable lithium-ion battery
Talk time: Up to 6 hours (GSM or UMTS)
Standby time: Up to 22 days / 528 hours (GSM), up to 17 days / 408 hours (UMTS)
Music playbook time: Up to 36 hours
High-resolution 480x360 color display
5.0 MP camera, flash, auto focus, face detection, image stabilization, scene modes, 2X zoom, video recording
Video Camera
Normal Mode: 640 x 480 pixels
MMS Mode: 176 x 144 pixels
Integrated GPS with A-GPS (assisted GPS) ready
WiFi Wi-Fi Band: 802.11b/g, support for UMA (carrier-dependent)
Bluetooth v2.1; Mono/Stereo Headset, Hands-free, Serial Port Profile, Bluetooth Stereo Audio (A2DP/AVCRP) and Dial-up networkign (DUN)
Audio & voice
3.5mm stereo headset capable; Built-in speakerphone
Tri-band 3G HSDPA networks: 2100MHz/1900MHz/850MHz
Tri-band UMTS networks: 2100/1900/850/800 MHz and 2100/1700/900 MHz
Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE networks: 850/900/1800/1900 MHZ

Compared to the BlackBerry Bold 9700, the biggest changes to the 9780 are as follows:

  • it ships with BlackBerry 6 preloaded
  • the camera is improved from 3.2 megapixels to 5 megapixels
  • internal flash memory (for running OS and apps) is doubled from 256MB to 512MB
  • video recording is improved in Normal Mode from 480x352 to 640x480
  • while it uses the same battery as the 9700, the GSM standby time rating jumped up from 21 to 22 days, while the music playback time rating actually decreased from 38 hours to 36 hours

Tech specs aside, the dark version of the Bold 9780 features a slightly different "look" than the Bold 9700. On the Bold 9780, RIM chose to scrap the chrome band around the phone in favor of a blacked-out look (which is definitely hawt!). On the battery door cover, the 9780 features a tighter pattern - it's less of a faux-leather look and more of a car dashboard look.

With the Bold 9780 using the same chipset as the Pearl 3G and Torch 9800, it also lacks Open GL support for 3D graphics. I was sad when the Bold 9700 didn't support Open GL, and am even more sad to see that a year later the next GSM Bold doesn't either. If you're not sure what that means for the graphics experience, check out this video review comparing Need for Speed on the Bold 9700 vs. Storm2. It'll be the same story for the Bold 9780. I really hope that the next GSM BlackBerry we see supports Open GL.

As for what carriers will get the BlackBerry Bold 9780, you can expect it to roll out everywhere the BlackBerry Bold 9700 is offered. The unit in this review is from Rogers in Canada, and you can already find the 9780 on T-Mobile in the USA. Expect it to hit AT&T (hopefully) soon too.

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Hardware Impressions

BlackBerry Bold 9780

When it comes to hardware impressions, for the most part I could copy and paste what I wrote in my Bold 9700 review into my Bold 9780 review. And that's not a bad thing, as on the whole the BlackBerry Bold 9780 is one sweet piece of hardware.

Appearance, Form Factor and Build Quality

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Photo BlackBerry Bold 9780 Photo

The Bold family is RIM's flagship line of devices in the traditional front-facing full-qwerty design that is synonymous with BlackBerry (Curve is the entry-level line). The original Bold 9000 was a fairly big device, with an extra 1/4" of width in the display and keyboard as compared to the 9700 and 9780. I still personally think the 9000's keyboard is the best there has even been on a BlackBerry, but there is no denying that the Bold 9780's smaller size hits the sweet spot of pocketability and ease of typing/use. It feels great in the hand, has a very easy to type on keyboard, and is small enough to carry in a pocket.

Build quality of the 9780 seems to be equally good to the 9700, and arguably appears to be even better. Though the phone is very light in weight, it doesn't feel cheap, and the blacked out look gives off an aura of understated luxury. I've always been a big fan of Swiss mechanical watches, and the blacked-out look has really caught on there in the past few years - the 9780 definitely pairs nicely with a blacked-out watch. Although the build quality does seem solid, unfortunately I was unlucky with the Bold 9780 that I picked up from Rogers in that it had a defective trackpad. At first I thought it was a software glitch as my symptom was that the cursor often wanted to scroll up by itself (which is super annoying and had me wanting to throw the phone through a window), but after a week of futzing around with it determined it was definitely hardware (I could never reproduce the glitch if I covered the trackpad entirely with my thumb, preventing any light from hitting it). Luckily the return process was easy and my second 9780 is performing all good so far. Over the years I've been pretty lucky with my BlackBerry Smartphones in terms of reliability -- rarely even having to clean or replace a trackball -- but in the past 3 months had a Torch completely die on me for no reason and now a faulty 9780 trackpad. RIM has manufacturing facilities around the world (Canada, Hungary, Mexico) and in the 25+ BBs I've used since getting my first 7290, so far the only devices I've ever run into hardware issues with have been made in Mexico. I'm not sure if it's coincidence or a QA issue or what, but I'm nearly to a point where I'm going to check that my next BlackBerry is a made in Hungary or Canada unit before I take it home from the store.

BlackBerry Torch 9800 Photo BlackBerry Bold 9780 Photo

Looking around the perimeter and controls of the 9780, things are identical to the 9700. The top of the phone has hidden lock and mute buttons. I still love the way RIM discretely implemented these buttons, though on more than one occassion have run into BlackBerry owners who had their 9700 for months and didn't realize they were buttons - maybe they're a little too discrete! The left side of the phone makes room for the 3.5mm headset port, the microUSB charge/sync port and a left side convenience key. I love the left side convenience key - it still pains me that this is missing from the Torch, so I hope we see the left side convenience key return on future device models. The right side of the phone features the volume up/down keys and right side convenience keys. In case you're new to BlackBerry and not familiar with the concept of convenience keys, they are essentially application shortcuts tied to a button. By default they typically launch Voice Dialing (left) and the camera (right), but I typically change the left one up to either launch QuickLaunch or a Twitter client.

BlackBerry Bold 9780 vs Bold 9700 BlackBerry Bold 9780 vs Bold 9700
BlackBerry Bold 9780 vs Bold 9700 BlackBerry Bold 9780 vs Bold 9700
Bold 9700 vs. the Bold 9780 (Bold 9700 has chrome trim)

Like the 9700, the battery door on my 9780 was TOUGH to remove initially. It breaks in fairly quickly and becomes much easier to remove (but not too easy!), but I swear, the first time I had to remove the battery door I felt like I was going to break the phone. This really tripped me up when I first got my 9700 (see video below for how to remove it properly), but even on my 9780 and KNOWING how to remove the battery door it still was wayyy too tough. This is a pretty normal occurence with a lot of the 9700 and now 9780 owners I've spoken too - it doesn't make for a very positive out-of-the-box experience so I'd love to see RIM smooth it out a bit.

All in all, when it comes to appearance, form factor and build quality, talking about the 9780 is the same as talking about the 9700.


The BlackBerry Bold 9780 features the same non-touchscreen 480x360 pixel high resolution display that's found on the Bold 9700, Bold 9650, Tour and Curve 8900. Overall it's a solid display and is much nicer than the 320x240 display found in the Curve 3G or Curve 8530/20. If you're trying to decide between purchasing a new Curve or new Bold, the higher resolution display is definitely one of the reasons I would go with the Bold. The colors are much sharper and brighter and smooth, and in the web browser the extra pixels make a big difference.

That said, like a lot of other BlackBerry users out there, I'm anxiously waiting for the day when RIM puts a touchscreen into this form factor of device. A lot of new BlackBerry users first make the mistake of trying to tap the icons on the screen, but especially with BlackBerry 6 (more on this later) I've even noticed myself wanting to reach out and touch the screen. With OS 5 I've never really found this to be an issue. Maybe it's the fact I've used BlackBerry 6 on the Torch a lot with a touchscreen so it's habitual, or maybe there is just something about BlackBerry 6 that is more compelling for touch, but either way, I want my next front-facing keyboard BlackBerry to also have a touchscreen. It would have been nice for the Bold 9780 to be the Bold that introduced this, but it's looking like we'll have to wait for the next Bold to get this.

While on the topic of what I'd like to see in the next Bold, I'm also hoping they find a way to up both the resolution and the phsyical size of the display. When people didn't use the browser on their BlackBerry (because it was painfully slow to use), and before apps became the thing, the smaller physical size of the display wasn't really a concern - using that frontal real estate for a solid keyboard was more important. Now that BlackBerry has a good web browser and you're using the phone for so much more than emailing, texting and BBMing, the bigger the screen, the better (assuming your battery can still manage to last through the day - big displays tend to eat battery life). I'm sure RIM realizes this too, so will be curious to see how they address this on the next Bold.

Chipset / Processor

The Bold 9780 uses the same chipset and processor that's found in the Torch 9800, which is clocked at the same 624MHz processor that the Bold 9700 and 9000 were clocked at. Though software updates have greatly improved the performance of BlackBerry 6 on the Torch since its somewhat laggy debut, the same processor on the Bold 9780 seems to be even snappier at powering the OS right of the box. Maybe the lack of touchscreen contributes to the speed. As usual I'm sure things will get even smoother with software updates (the Rogers unit in this review shipped with OS 6.00.285, but at the time of this writing we've already seen OS leak for the 9780).


The BlackBerry Bold 9780 doubles up the internal flash memory from the 256MB found in the 9700 to the now-standard 512MB found in devices like the Bold 9650, Torch and Style. This memory is where the operating system resides, where apps are installed and where things like browser cache and your email inbox eat up space. More memory doesn't really equal faster speeds, but running low on memory guarantees things will slow down. So compared to the 9700, on the 9780 you can load up more apps and do more on your device before you ever run out of room. Conversely, if you keep things on your Bold 9700 fairly "clean" you should find that BlackBerry 6 will run on it pretty smooth as well. Out of the box, my Rogers BlackBerry Bold 9780 had ~271MB of free space on it.

In terms of additional storage for media and photos, the Bold 9780 comes with a 2GB microSD card, which can easily be swapped out for other cards. It'll take a 32GB card all good.

Battery Life

Like the Bold 9700, THE BATTERY LIFE ON THE BLACKBERRY BOLD 9780 IS FRICK'N AMAZING! Of course, I do find myself doing a lot more web browsing on BlackBerry 6 than I did on OS 5, which eats into the battery a bit more, but all in all it's really solid. There's something really satisfying about going to bed at night seeing the battery level indicator still above (on lower-usage days way above) half full.

Phone Call Quality

This one often seems to vary a bit by carrier, but at least on Rogers for me the call quality of the 9780 seems hunky-dory (it's a word for real, look it up).

Camera and Video Recording

The BlackBerry Bold 9780 features the same 5.0 megapixel camera that is in the BlackBerry Torch, and I've found it's performance to be the same for me (photography is a skill I need to work on, so any pros in the audience can weigh in if they discover any differences). I went pretty in-depth on the new camera in my Torch review, so if you want further details here click on the lick below to jump over to that section.

More Info on the 5 megapixel camera

Other Internals: WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth, Speakers

Everything else on the hardware side is what you'd expect. On the WiFi front, the most noticeable difference to speed for the "average" consumer comes from the fact that the BlackBerry 6 web browser now automatically uses WiFi when available vs. on older operating systems in which you manually had to switch to the HotSpot browser. The addition of n definitely does make the browser seem noticeable faster (will do some head to head browser comparisons between the 9700 and 9780 in a future post).

GPS and Bluetooth are there working as they should, and the speakers seem to be on par with the 9700. I noticed a few threads kicking around the CrackBerry forums where members mentioned they thought the speaker/speakerphone was better on the 9780, but I'm not certain of that. I'm not aware of any changes here... but could be wrong - maybe some tinkering was done.

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Accessories

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Accessories

For BlackBerry Bold 9700 owners who want to upgrade to the Bold 9780, the good news is that your BlackBerry Bold 9700's accessories will work just fine. Cases will fit, batteries will fit, and your charging pod will fit. It also means there is a large selection of accessories available at launch. Shamless plug time... Be sure to check out ShopCrackBerry.com for all your BlackBerry Bold 9780 accessory needs. We just rolled out free shipping on orders of $50 or more in the continental US, so you can't go wrong!

Browse BlackBerry Bold 9780 Accessories at ShopCrackBerry.com

Hardware Wrap-Up

All in all, the BlackBerry Bold 9780 hardware is as good or better than that of the Bold 9700, which by definition makes it a pretty awesome device. You can't argue with more memory and more megapixels, and I like the blacked-out look. Though you know the moment it hits Rogers or AT&T in white, I'll be picking that one up!

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Software Impressions

If you're looking to learn about everything that's new in BlackBerry 6, be sure to check out our super in-depth BlackBerry 6 Review. For this review I want to focus more on BlackBerry 6 as it pertains to the user experience of being on a non-touchscreen device with a smaller display and with a front-facing keyboard. Seriously, if you want the in-depth details on BB6, check out our BlackBerry 6 Review.

BlackBerry 6
BlackBerry 6 Homescreen...

How much you love, like or maybe even dislike BlackBerry 6 on the BlackBerry Bold 9780 is going to be determined by your priorities (remember the Smartphone Hierarchy of Needs) and how much BlackBerry baggage you're carrying (ie. how long you've been a BlackBerry user for and how stuck in your ways you are). Dissecting this a bit further, I think:

First Time Smartphone/BlackBerry Owners and users who fit into the category of the consumer market are going to like the BlackBerry 6 experience a lot more than they would OS 5.0. Out of the box, the tutorial videos and new setup wizard get you up to speed more quickly, and the whole look and feel of the operating system is more modern and sleek than any BlackBerry of the past. The homescreeen views (All, Favorites, Media, Downloads, Frequent) expose more of your BlackBerry's capabilities to you, which get you using the device for more things than you normally would otherwise (yes you can use your BlackBerry as an MP3 player and watch movies on it!). The web browsing experience in BlackBerry 6 is much better than in the past too - so while the screen is on the small side compared to some of the smartphones hitting the market these days, you will be able to browse your favorite websites. And with a full keyboard right there all the time, you'll be pounding out BBMs, emails, texts, tweets and facebook updates like crazy.

BlackBerry 6 BlackBerry 6
The new WebKit-based browser in BlackBerry 6 is much improved and ads tabbed browsing

Long Time OS 5/4.x BlackBerry Users, heavy communicators and those who fit into category of enterprise user are also going to like BlackBerry 6 more than OS 5, but there's going to be a bit of a re-learning curve and are a couple of annoying things that'll drive you bonkers that you'll have to get used to (which hopefully RIM will address soon).

Let's start with the annoying part - the homescreen views. On a touchscreen, you normally open apps from the homescreen by by tapping on the icons, so accidentally scrolling between views is not an issue. However, with BlackBerry 6 on a non-touchscreen device, you have to scroll to the icon you want then press in on the trackpad. On the 9780, I constantly find myself accidentally scrolling between views while attempting to open specific applications (note, this can happen on the 9700/9650/etc. on BB6 too, so it's not a 9780 specific thing). Namely, my main messages app is always the first icon on the screen, so when I scroll quickly to it, I end up overshooting and change to the next view. Over the course of an average day, I've been finding myself accidentally scrolling to the next screen anywhere from 15 to 30+ times a day. I'm not alone on this one either. It actually makes me kind of mad that RIM released BlackBerry 6 without having the ability to go back to a simpler homescreen experience, either via an option to disable homescreen views or by providing an alternative theme that does not have the views built in. Hopefully BlackBerry 6.1 will have this built in (to me this is HIGH PRIORITY! It got so annoying one day that it nearly made me want to go back to my 9700). In the meantime, theme developers will be able to address this once Theme Builder 6 gets updated and officially released - I'm sure we'll see the next #1 theme in the CrackBerry App Store will be a replica native theme that lacks the views). The other annoying homescreen change that is difficult for me to get used to is that it now requires two taps of the menu key (the one left of the trackpad) to open the full icon tray. On the teaser view (where you only see six icons at the bottom), I really think clicking that button once should open the "tray." Once the tray is fully open, then tapping the menu key again should pop up the menu options (Add Folder, Hide, Mark as Favorite, etc.). This also bugged me on the Torch, but I guess with the touchscreen use I found it to be less of an issue. On a non-touchscreen, it drives me bonkers. [ Update: So it turns out you can also evoke the full tray by scrolling down a long scroll down on the trackpad. It works, and really fixes this issue for me. It's not exactly intuitive though for discovery - seriously, I never stumbled upon this in literally weeks of use. Makes me feel like a rookie! ] These two gripes are likely of no-concern for 99% of the folks out there reading this, but for me there my two biggest issues with the BlackBerry 6 user experience on a non-touchscreen device. And for people who use their phone mainly as a communication tool and for one or two key apps, these little issues really do slow you down. The basic homescreen user experience feels less efficient.

BlackBerry 6
I LOVE Universal Search

These two issues aside, power communicators and enterprise users will hugely appreciate universal search and the new web browser. Getting familiar with universal search saves a lot of time, and for a lot of people having a BlackBerry web browser that's now quicker and renders more accurately means they can now leave there laptop at home when they travel. Another homescreen improvement is the shortcut at the top for Managing Connections that saves time on toggling the Radio, WiFi and Bluetooth on and off. BlackBerry 6 also adds the homescreen message notification preview, which I've now determined to be a bit handy and a bit useless at the same time. I wish it could be customized more. I really like being able to preview my upcoming calendar appointments from the preview, but I find for messages themselves I don't really use it - if I have emails or tweets or anything else, I'm pretty much heading straight for the app as soon as my LED light blinks.

BlackBerry 6 on the 9780 Software Wrap Up

In a smartphone market where having a big touchscreen is all the rage, one of the key reasons a person buys a smartphone in this form factor in 2010 is because they are heavy communicators - they want that keyboard to be there all the time for quick, accurate typing (they don't even want to wait the 1/10th of a second it takes to slide out a keyboard a la the Torch nevermind typing on glass!) and they're willing to sacrifice the screen real estate to have that keyboard. The user experience here is focused around speed. And historically, that's what the BlackBerry experience has always been about. I remember David Yach, RIM's CTO of Software, at the first BlackBerry Developer Conference on stage talking about RIM's philosophy and the red light test - you should be able to pick up your smartphone and accomplish anything you want to do in the time you would spend waiting at a red light. He also put it another way... the BlackBerry experience is all about adding an hour to your day by giving you the ability to turn all of those one minute chunks of time we all waste into productive time.

With that philosophy in mind and ignoring my couple of gripes which slow things down a bit, BlackBerry 6 does a solid job of adhering to that traditional BlackBerry experience while expanding the use of the phone beyond the basics.

Addressing the Big Questions

BlackBerry Bold 9780

Ok, let's tackle these two questions that I keep getting everyday....

Is it worth upgrading my BlackBerry Bold 9700 to the Bold 9780?

Carriers and RIM may honestly shoot me for saying this, but honestly, for the average person I'd say no. Going back to the BMW analogy earlier, it would be like getting out of the lease on your new BMW a year early to buy one a year newer that comes in a different color. You could pay the penalties and do it if you really want to and that would be fine, but you're probably better off waiting. This is especially true if you consider that the Bold 9780 revision was quite minor and that it's looking like the next revision to this device will have a lot more going on (bigger processor, touchscreen, etc.). And it's especially, especially true considering the fact you can load up BlackBerry 6 to your Bold 9700 if you want to. That said, if you're like me you're still going to run out and buy the newest BlackBerry no matter what ;)

I also find it interesting that carriers like T-Mobile and Rogers are not even listing the Bold 9700 for sale on their sites anymore. I think the reason for this is pretty clear - if they offered the 9780 and 9700, the price of the 9700 would have to be driven down since it's a year older, and at the lower price point is where they want to offer devices like the Curve 3G or 85xx where they have higher margins. The price of the 9700 would have to drop by quite a bit from a consumer standpoint being it's a year old, so it would be hard to justify the 9780's higher price (that camera and RAM can't cost that much), plus with the body/case design not really changing at all it makes much more sense to just transition straight to the 9780. So new customers won't even have the option to buy a 9700 or 9780 - for the most part they'll be going right into the 9780.

Should I get the BlackBerry Torch 9800 or the BlackBerry Bold 9780?

This one all comes down to priorities. If you're on a carrier where the Torch isn't offered (ie. T-Mobile USA), the Bold 9780 is obviously the winner. If you're on AT&T or Rogers or a carrier which carries both, then the decision becomes a matter of preference.

Key Reasons why I'd pick a Bold 9780 over the Torch: The Bold 9780 feels better in the hand, is lighter and more pocketable. The keyboard is also a bit nicer to type on. The Bold 9780's battery life is way better (it's a bigger battery than in the Torch, and the 9780's smaller screen size helps save the battery juice). I also prefer having the keyboard right there and not having to slide the phone open to get to it. It's more efficient.

Key Reasons why I'd pick a Torch 9800 over the Bold 9700: The bigger touchscreen makes everything in the BlackBerry 6 environment better. Navigating the OS by tapping is nice, web browsing with a touchscreen vs. trackpad is much nicer too. Once you get used to a big screen smartphone, going back to a smaller screen is TOUGH. Still has a keyboard, which while not quite as nice to use as the 9780's, is still pretty solid.

Which am I going to use? I can't decide. I've always been more the traditional BlackBerry user, so the 9780 is a bit more suited to my personality. But until I get the ability to kill the homescreen views on BlackBerry 6 on the 9780 (be it with a theme or a setting), I think I'd go Torch as it's kind of pulling me away from that total speed of use mentality anyways (and I'm sick of accidentally scrolling to the next view on the 9780). I think what I'm actually going to do for rest of this month, for a bit of nostalgia, is actually kick it on my old Bold 9000 for a while. I miss that keyboard! :)

What if it's my first BlackBerry? Good question. And a tricky one. Buying a phone always starts with picking your carrier (you need coverage where you work, play, live). Assuming you're on a carrier where the Bold 9780 and Torch are offered, it again comes down to your priorities. Getting a BlackBerry with a always-present keyboard (Bold 9780, Curve 3G) means you have the best communication tool on the planet (go for the Bold 9780 if the budget allows). While the Torch isn't quite as efficient as a communication tool, if you haven't had a BlackBerry before you won't know what you're missing in that respect - so going Torch is probably the best option. Having a bigger screen and a touchscreen really adds to the experience. You might just want to grab a spare battery for if you get low on juice at the end of the day from heavy device usage.

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Closing Thoughts

I tweeted the other night that I'm apparently incapable of writing a concise review as this Bold 9780 review was taking forever to pound out. Good ole @andrewmunchbach of BGR fame responded with this clever little tweet:

@crackberrykevin the fact that you couldn't fit your entire review into a tweet is surprising. "9700+512MB+5MP camera=9780" Done.

And yep, Andrew was right - you literally can sum up the 9780 in 140 characters or less. It's too bad that RIM didn't put more into this revision to make it a really exciting one to talk about, but the good news is the 9700 was an awesome device so any improvement to an already solid device is a good thing. I know I harped on a few things in this review, but at the end of the day the BlackBerry Bold 9780 is an awesome BlackBerry. But you know it wouldn't be a CrackBerry review unless I gave you all the back story and way too much info. Hope you enjoyed it!

BlackBerry Bold 9780 Summary


  • Blacked-out look is hawt!
  • Doesn't mess with the success of the 9700 - great feeling device, great keyboard
  • BlackBerry 6 - yay for webkit browser and universal search!
  • More memory and megapixels than its predecessor the 9700


  • Need a way to disable the homescreen views on BlackBerry 6 (a lot of accidental scrolling going on)
  • BlackBerry 6 really makes you wish there was a touchscreen and a bit more screen size to work with
  • Doesn't mess with the success of the 9700 enough - hard to get excited about minor improvements
  • Another GSM BlackBerry that lacks OpenGL support - hard to get developers making 3D games when the GSM phones don't support it yet

Bottom Line

  • The BlackBerry Bold 9780 improves upon the already-awesome BlackBerry Bold 9700 by adding more memory, a better camera, WiFi n and the new BlackBerry 6 operating system right out of the box. BlackBerry 6 brings with it a lot of improvements and new features, including a faster web browsing experience, but also makes you wish the 9780 featured a touchscreen - BB6 wants to be touched!